So it was just another Friday night. I had a great vendor with Henry and I and we stopped by Capital Grille for a quick bite then we headed over to Therapy for some drinks. About which time the infamous part boy Randy Jones from the Village People rang and said Charro was performing her new hit single tonight. As a matter of fact: it was debuting tonight and we MUST be in attendance. So at 10:45 or so, we made the move to the night club where she was going to perform.
We were promptly escorted into the dressing room area above the DJ booth and quickly realized there was no restroom on that floor nor drinks or drink service. Oh well. If I could meet the queen of The Love Boat! I was all game.
About Midnight, we got word she was on her way. She joined us in a paparazzi storm followed.

There is quite the interesting story about her new song. Her son is a renowned song writer and had written this new track for Brittany Spears. Charro heard it and said nope that belongs to me now and she recorded it. She made no ifs ands or buts about telling the story and what expletive Brittany Spears could do to her self. Oh well. . I digress!

She performed the number in front of 600 or so people and just killed it! It is nights like this that absolutely make it fabulous to have a second home in New York!