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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lawson Lifestyles- August

My goodness what a crazy few months it has been. I thought it would be a good time to catch you up and offer some entertaining style tips for this hot month of Summer.  You know, it's funny how time flies. I was just blogging in May and then a couple of months just pop on by.

I take full responsibility for not posting. The Summer has us running in all directions and is also a time for us to gear up for a busy Fall and Holiday season. With that said, I thought I would get you caught up.

We have some very exciting things happening with a client down south that will allow us to really focus on culinary and creative entertainment. I could not be more thrilled.

Up North in the city (NYC) we are focusing on our corporate friends and actually working on a brand new show that we will be offering world wide within the next few months.

Next stop will be out west back to LA to really get that scene going. We have been lucky enough to meet some of the most incredible social clients out there and I look forward to bringing the team to them to work.

August seems like no better time than to be out on the boat, the beach, the pool and meet someone new. Going on dates however, can end up being quite the challenge. I thought it would be cool to feature some of the possibilities for dates. Here is an article I found that rang very true from our colleague Ben Kassoy who writes for Details Magazine. You can find him on Twitter at @bkassoy.

MAYBE YOU HAVE a tried-and-true routine before a first date: a lucky outfit, a go-to spot, painstaking preparation. Practice winks in the mirror (just me?).
While your pre-date ritual may be consistent, what lies beyond the initial meet-up is utterly unpredictable. Here are 10 kinds of first date every guy will experience.
1. The Dennis Rodman. It's a rebound date, either off a recent relationship or extended romantic drought. No matter what, it's less about your date and more about you—finding your bearings, seeing if you've still got it. Sometimes it's amazing: You're the greatest rebounder in history. Other times, not so much: You're in a wedding dress or, worse, North Korea.
2. The Tornado Drill. It's a disaster. Escape. Duck, cover, and pray you survive until the storm passes. Then consider moving far, far away.
3. The Blackout. You're nervous because you don't know anything about your date. So you pour yourself something strong at your apartment and arrive early at the restaurant for a couple more. Your date shows up—and it's great! The conversation is flowing and so are the cocktails and then you're dancing and downing tequila shots and laughing and taking more shots and…you wake up the next morning and can't remember a single thing. You realize you still don't know anything about your date.
4. The Meh-be. The portmanteau of "meh" and "maybe," this date is extremely, insanely average. So average there's nothing else to say.
5. The Enigma. You can't tell if it's a date. Even after many cocktails, obvious flirtation, and possible come-ons, it's anyone's guess. How is this possible?
6. The Catfish-ish. Unlike on the TV show, your date doesn't intentionally lie about his or her appearance, gender, or general existence. Instead, he or she benignly misguides you through omitted personal details or deceptive online photos. You show up, and she's six inches taller than you imagined. Or definitely older. Or sports an unexpected face tattoo. Either way, it's rarely positive and hard to see past.
7. The Booty Call. Don't get it twisted: It's a casual hookup masquerading as a bona fide date. It generally starts with some nonchalant Tinder browsing and thinking to yourself, You had me at *swipes right*!
8. The Red Flag. A la Kristen Wiig's brilliant (and horrifying?) performance in this SNL parody commercial, this is where you tell your friends afterwards, "It was perfect, but…" Regardless, you're going on a second date, either to see if your potential mate really is "perfection" or, more likely, tragically flawed.
9. The Happy Accident. An homage to televised landscape painter Bob Ross, this is a date you didn't realize you were on until you were on it. Somehow your social scene splinters, leaving the two of you alone. "You walking this way?" becomes "Want to grab a drink?" becomes "Do you have a toothbrush I can borrow?"
10. The Everything. This is the one that is so good and so perfect and your date was this and that and you did this and that and you felt a real connection and this could really be something and…woah, hold up there, champ. Remember: It's just a first date.

I would love to hear some of your dating stories or nightmares!

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