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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lemon Anderson moves, astounds and leaves crowd wanting RAP!

My girl friend Ashley and I strolled in to the County of Kings show last night shortly before 7:00 at the Emmett Robinson Theater at the College of Charleston. I had the opportunity to interview Lemon earlier that afternoon. Even after the interview, I still was not exactly sure how he was going to be presenting his show. Much to my delight it was a combination of pros, poetry and hip hop music.

His life growing up in urban Brooklyn nothing like anything any of the audience members can imagine. He spent from the ages of 16-20 in jail! He came out a better man and knew that he had to do something positive with his life. He has. By the time he was 27, he was on the stage at the Tony's accepting an award and he has never looked back since.

What's very interesting to me is that Lemon is a quiet guy. He isn't the thug guy that he grew up acting like at all. He jokes about how the hipsters and yuppies still can not stand each other in Brooklyn.

His show has this unique quality of ripping you right into the middle of his life just as it were happening right in front of you. You clearly know that there's this actor on stage, but the cleverly worded delivery has this way of transporting you to the very time and place of his choosing and thus making it oh that much more believable.

From the needle and belt overdosing of his mother on Heroine, to her death of AIDS, Lemon gets beyond personal and still finds a way to keep it way cool. Do not walk. . RUN to see this show. You will thank me!

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